Many modern businesses value the welfare of their employees and seek to improve working conditions.


Providing the right support and care to employees can result in an increase in performance, moral and productivity.  
According to Safe Work Australia, 8-10 hours is the average daily sedentary time of adults
Employees are therefore spending long hours at work and hence have less time to look after themselves.  Additionally, Chronic back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide and one of the most common reasons for people of working age to drop out of the workforce.

The most effective way to manage back pain is with a combination of self management and multidisciplinary pain management alternatives which includes manual and exercise therapy.  

We therefore provide a complete health screen service which helps to identify early signs of work related injuries. 

Examples of common injuries may include: 

  •       RSI (Repetitive Stress Injuries)

  •        back pain

  •        headaches 

  •        tendon strains 

  •        general muscular aches and pains 

About 20% of Australians feel the need to take leave due to feeling stress and pressure at work

We offer short sessions tailored to the needs of employees on site. A warm, private, designated space (such as an office) is required for treatments to be carried out. We believe prevention is better than cure and this is why we also provide ergonomic assessment and education on how to avoid recurring aches and pains. 

Contact us  to discuss how we can assist and design a tailor made program for your business needs.